Recruiting Talent for your Strata Management Firm

  • 27 Nov 2019
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Best venue ever


  • Special price for members

You Are Not Alone: Recruiting is Hard

Almost every type of company and industry is facing the same challenge - how do we replace retiring Boomer staff? You can also add a LinkedIn study in 2018 that found millennials will change jobs an average of four times in their first decade out of college, compared to about two job changes by Gen Xers their first ten years out of college.

Sounds dire but with the right plan in place you can discover what will not only draw the right people to your company but keep them there!

Strata Property Agents of BC enjoying a BC Hydro information session 2019

Join panelists xxxx yyyyy zzzzzz and facilitator SPABC Board Member to discuss styrategies and trends you can apply back at the office.

Pictured to the right: SPABC members attending a user consultation event hosted by BC Hydro and SPABC in Victoria January 2019